Data Communication Bord Question 2008- 2015

(Data Communication)
Examination Code: 614
Time--- 3 hours
Full marks—80
1.         (a) Illustrate a communication model in simplified form.
            (b) Briefly describe major communication tasks that involved in data communication.
            (c) Distinguish between LAN and WAN.
(d) What do you mean by network? Compare TCP/IP protocol, suite and OSI reference model.

2.         (a) Define the terms frequency, spectrum and bandwidth of a signal.
            (b) What are major transmissions? Explain. Write down about thermal noise.
(c) Using Shannon’s formula, estimate the channel capacity of a voice grade telephone line having S/N ratio of 30db and bandwidth 3400Hz.
(d) Name the common guided transmission media and give the physical description. Application areas and transmission characteristics of any one of them.

3.         (a) Write down the advantage of packet switching over circuit switching.
            (b) Distinguish between datagram and virtual circuit with diagram.
            (c) Write short note on any two of the following:-
                        (i) Microwave transmission.
                        (ii) Time division switch.
                        (iii) Cellular system.
                        (Amplitude Modulation (AM).

4.         (a) What are three popular ARQ mechanisms for error control in data communication?
            (b) How Does ARQ correct an error?
            (c) How does Go-Bank_N ARQ differ from selective Repeat ARQ?
            (d) Write down the types of HDLS frames and give a brief description of each.

5.         (a) Write down about basic characteristics of HDLC protocol. Briefly explain its frame format.
            (b) With figure explain FDM. Distinguish between Synchronous and Statistical TDM.
            (c) Explain CRC technique for error detection.
            (d) Describe with diafram the advantages of multistage space devision switch with diagram.

6.         (a) Why is FM superior to AM?
            (b) Compare the FM bandwidth the AM bandwidth.
            (c) What are the advantages QAM over ASK and PSK?
            (d) Given a bandwidth of 5000 Hz for an 8-PSK signal. Calculate the band rate.


(Data Communication)
Examination Code: 614
Time--- 3 hours
Full marks—80
1.         (a) What is data communication? Describe a simple data communication model.
            (b) Write down the difference between circuit switching and packet swiching.
            (c) What are the features of frame relay?
            (d) Describe LAN and WAN.

2.         (a) Explain different encoding or modulation techniques for transmitting digital data into analog signals?
            (b) Why data encoding is necessary?
            (c) Briefly describe digitization and PCM with necessary figure.
            (d) Describe the expression for amplitude modulation wave.

3.         (a) What do you mean by synchronous and asynchronous transmission? Explain with figure.
            (b) Explain CRC with figure.
            (c) Why flow control is necessary?
(d) What is ARQ? Name various kinds of ARQ.

4.         (a) What is network topology? Describe its variance.
            (b) Explain the operation of Repeater and Bridge.
            (c) What is bit stuffing? Suppose the data is 11111111111101111101111110. What will be the data pattern after applying bit stuffing in HDLC?
            (d) What is Microwave signal? Describe it in brief.

5.         (a) What is Nyquist bandwidth? Where is it brief.
            (b) Describe optical fiber and twisted oair cable in brief.
            (c) Describe NRZ-I, Bipolar AMI and Manchester for the following data
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
            (d) Give two examples of full duplex and half-duplex transmission.

6.         (a) What is multiplexing? Discuss Frequency division multiplexing technique.
            (b) Compare TCP/IP with OSI model.
(c) What is IP address? Describe A B C and D class IP address.


(Data Communication)
Examination Code: 614
Time--- 3 hours
Full marks—80
1.         (a) What is the fundamental purpose of data communication?
(b) Discuss simplified data communication model with block diagram.
(c) Define guided and unguided Media.
(d) What are the activities of each layer in The OSI layers?

2.         (a) Explain the basic principles of ASK and FSK.
            (b) What is constellation diagram? Show the constellation diagram of QPSK.
(c) What do you mean by line coding and block coding? Encode the bit stream 10110101 by Manchester and Differential Manchester encoding techniques.
(d) What are beat rate and Baud rate? A signal is carrying four bits in each signal element. If 1000 signal elements as per second, find the bit rate and Baud rate.

3.         (a) What is multiplexing? Explain how FDM combines multiple single into one.
(b) Discuss synchronous TDM with diagram. Distinguish between Multilevel TDM and Multiple slots TDM.
            (c) With a neat diagram explains the interleaving technique.
            (d) Describe the “Setup Request” phase of a Virtual circuit. Network (VCN).

4.         (a) Construct the human code for the beat sequence 10011101.
(b) Assuming even parity. Find the parity bit for each of the following units:
(i) 10001011 (ii) 1110111
(c) Given a remainder of 111, a data unit of 10110011 and a divisor of 1001, find whether there is an error or not the data unit.
(d) What is a crossbar switch? What is the major limitation? Explain how a multistage switch overcomes the limitations of the crossbar switch.

5.         (a) Explain satellite transmission with VSAT configuration.
            (b) What are the important applications of satellite?
            (c) What is the base of pulse code modulation? Why delta modulation is used?
(d) Data exchanges over a transmission line can be classified as full duplex or half  duplex. Compare this two way of transmission.

6.         (a) What is flow control? Describe the process of stop and control with necessary diagram.
(b) Explain the operation of stop and wait ARQ error control method in case of lost and damaged frames.
(c) What is sliding window? What is the purpose of it? A sliding window protocol uses a window of side 15. How many bits are needed to define the sequence number?
            (d) What is ISDN? Discuss different types of channels used in ISDN.


(Data Communication)
Examination Code: 614
Time--- 3 hours
Full marks—80
1          (a) Define standard. State and explain the characteristics of data communication system.
            (b) What is protocol? What are the key elements of protocol?
            (c) Describe TCP/IP model.
(d) Briefly discuss about the Nyquist bandwidth and Shanon capacity formula.

2.         (a) Define the terms frequency spectrum and bandwidth of a signal.
(b) What types of impairments are common in data communication? Describe different types of noise.
(c) Using Shannon’s formula estimates the channel capacity of a voice grade telephone line having S/N ratio of 30dB and land width 3400Hz.
(d) Name the common guided transmission media and give the physical description areas and transmission characteristics of any one of them.
(e) Depict and describe VSAT communication system and explain.

3.         (a) Why scrambling techniques is used for digital to digital conceding?
            (b) Distinguish between AM, FM and PM.
            (c) Describe CRC technique for error detection.
            (d) Describe the procedure of dial up operation using the interface of EIA-232 interface.

4.         (a) What is multiplexing? Describe synchronous time division multiplexing with figure.
            (b) What is packet switching? Mention the advantages of packet switching over circuit switching.
            (c) Describe asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) with respect to switching mode, Packet size. ATM cells.
            (d) State necessity to Frame Relay in communication network.

5.         (a) With diagram, explain frequency division multiplexing (FDM).
            (b) Distinguish between synchronous and statistical TDM.
            (c) With diagram describe the architecture of a three stage space division switch.
            (d) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of optical fiber.

6.         Write short note with necessary diagram (any four) :---
            (a) QPSK;
            (b) HDLS;
            (c) Null modem;
            (d) Cellular system;
            (e) Channel capacity;


(Data Communication)
Examination Code: 614
Time--- 3 hours
Full marks—80
1.         (a) Define Data Communication. Briefly explain the simplified model of data Communication.
            (b) What are the differences between half-duplex and full-duplex transmission modes?
            (c) Explain the functions of transport layer and network layer of OSI reference model.
            (d) What is the difference between a port address, a logical address and a physical address?

2.         (a) What is transmission impairments? Explain the types of transmission impairments.
            (b) What do you mean by request bandwidth and shinning capacity rate?
            (c) What are the bit rate and band rate? A signal is carrying four bits in each signal element. If 1000 signal elements are sent per second, find the bit rate.
            (d) Sketch the signal waveforms of NRZ-1 , NRZ-1 and Manchester encoding scheme for 101100111.

3.         (a) What is multiplexing? Explain synchronous time division multiplexing techniques.
            (b) Which of the three multiplexing techniques are common for fiber optic link? Explain the reason.
            (c) Two channels, one with a bit rate of 150kbs and another with a bit rate of 140kbs are to the multiplexing using pulse stuffing TDM with no synchronous bits. Answer the following questions:-
                                    a. What is the size of a frame in bits?
                                    b. What is the frame rate?
                                    c. What is the duration of a frame?
                                    d. What is the data rate?
            (d) What is VSAT? Discuss VSAT communication system with configuration.

4.         (a) Describe ASK, FSK and PSK with figure.
            (b) Write down the digital encoding format.
            (c) Explain error detection process.

5.         (a) Describe the model of frame information of flow control.
            (b) Describe the adopting routing strategies in the packet switch network.
            (c) What are the step of sousing window flow control? Describe.

6.         (a) Write short notes (any four):-
                        (a) PCP/IP.
                        (b) Channel capacity.
                        (c) Warless transmission.
                        (d) CRC.
                        (e) Digital Switch.
                        (f) Packet Switching Networks.


(Data Communication)
Examination Code: 614
Time--- 3 hours
Full marks—80
1.         (a) Define data communication. Draw and explain the simplified model of data communication.
(b) Write down the difference between simplex and duplex transmission mode with suitable example.
(c) Make a comparison between TCP/IP and OSI.
(d) Distinguish between connection oriented and connectionless protocols.
(e) Define protocol. List the key elements of protocols.

2.         (a) Name the type of transmission impairments. Briefly explain the different types of noise with examples.
(b) What does the Nyquist theorem and Shannon capacity formula have to do with communications?
(c)  We have a channel 5KHz bandwidth. If We want to send data at 150 kbps, what is the minimum SNR (dB)?
            (d) Define frequency, spectrum, and bandwidth and buad rate with example.

3.         (a) What is unguided transmission media? What are the drawback of this?
(b) Briefly explain ASK, FSK, PSK, and QAM techniques with the principle advantages and disadvantages.
            (c) Explain the Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) technique and state its limitation.
(d) What is optical fiber communication? Explain the characteristics of this communication system.

4.         (a) Define multiplexing. What are the different types of multiplexing techniques?
            (b) Briefly explain the Synchronous Time-Division multiplexing technique.
(c) Which of the three multiplexing techniques are common for fiber optic links? Explain with reason.
            (d) Two channels, one with a bit rate of 150kbs and another with a bit rate of 140kbs are to the multiplexing using pulse stuffing TDM with no synchronous bits. Answer the following questions:-
                                    (i)  What is the size of a frame in bits?
                                    (ii)  What is the frame rate?

5.         (a) What is Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing? What are the features of it?
            (b) Compare between the features of FDM and TDM.
(c) What is switching over circuit switching network. Describe packet switching principals with necessary figure.

6.         (a) What is packet switching network? Mention the advantages of packet switching over circuit switching network.
(b) Explain about virtual circuit and datagram approach of pocket switching network with necessary diagram.
(c) What is router and routing table? Explain the important characteristics of routing function.
            (d) Explain about X-25 protocol standard.


(Data Communication)
Examination Code: 614
Time--- 3 hours
Full marks—80
1.         (a) Define data communication. Draw and explain the simplified model of data communication.
            (b) Write down the difference between circuit switching and packed switching.
(c) What is the difference between a port address, a logical address and a physical address?
            (d) What is protocol? Describe the layers of OSI model.

2.         (a) What is transmission implement? Explain the type of transmission implement.
            (b) Difference between duded media and unguided media.
            (c) What is the relationship between a singular’s specimen and a band-width?
            (d) Define fundamental frequency and channel capacity.
            (e) Describe the encoding and modulation technique with figure.

3.         (a) Define frequency, spectrum, and bandwidth and buad rate with example.
(b) Briefly explain ASK, FSK, PSK, and QAM techniques with the principle advantages and disadvantages.
(c) Briefly explain Puce Code Modulation (PCM) technique with its limitations.
(d) For the following digital data sketch the signal waveforms using NRZ-1, Bipolar AMI  and Manchester encoding scheme for 1011000111001.

4.         (a) Define multiplexing/ What are the different types of multiplexing techniques?
            (b) Briefly explain the Synchronous Time-Division multiplexing techniques.
            (c) With neat diagram explain the interleaving technique.
(d) A multiplexer engine’s for 100 kbps channel using a time shot of 2 bits. Show the out with four arbitrary inputs:-
                        (i) What is the frame rate?
                        (ii) What is the frame duration?
                        (iii) What is the bit rate?
                        (iv) What is the bit duration?

5.         (a) Name the advantages of optical fiber over twisted-pair and conical cable. 
(b) How does sky propagation differ from line-of-sight propagation?
            (c) Discuss about warless transmission waves.
            (d) Describer the need for switching and define a switch.
            (e) Compare space division and time-division switches.

6.         Write short notes (any four):--
            (a) Digital switch.
            (b) Cellular Communications.
            (c) Stop and wait ARQ.
            (d) VSAT.
            (e) QPSK.
            (f) X-25 Protocols.

(Data Communication)
Examination Code: 614
Time--- 3 hours
Full marks—80
1.         (a) Define data communication. Explain the characteristics of a data communication system.
            (b) What is protocol? Describe the key elements of protocol/
            (c) What is transmission impairments? Explain the types of transmission impairments.
            (d) Describe the layers of TCP/IP model.

2.         (a) Define analog and digital signal. Briefly explain the different types of noise in data transmission.
(b) What is channel capacity? Briefly explain the Nyquist Bandwidth and Shanon capacity formula.
            (c) Describe VSAT configuration.
(d) Given a channel with an intended capacity of 20MbPS. The bandwidth of the channel is 3 MHz. What signal-to-noise ratio is required in order to achieve this capacity?

3.         (a) Define data rate and signal rate.
            (Describe data encoding & modulation techniques with figures.
            (c) Distinguish among AM,FM & PM.
            (d) Explain pulse code modulation (PCM) technique with diagram.
            (e) Describe CRC technique for error detection.

4.         (a) Define multiplexing. Describe Frequency division Multiplexing (FDM).
            (b) Compare between the features of FDM and TDM.
            (c) Given the following information, find the minimum bandwidth required for the path:
                        FDM Multiplexing
                        Five devices, each required 4000Hz,
                        200Hz guard band for each device.
            (d) What is IP address? Classify the IP address of class A, B, C & D network.

5.         (a) Distinguish guided and unguided media with examples.
            (b) What is packet switching over circuit switching network.
(c) What is router & routing table? Explain the important characteristics of routing function.
(d) A channel has a bit rate of 4KbPS and a propagation delay of 20 m sec. For what range of frame size does stop and wait give and efficiency of at least 50 percent?

6.         Write short notes on the following (any four):-
                        (a) Circuit switching.
                        (b) Wireless transmission;
                        (c) HDLC.
                        (d) ARQ.
                        (e) ATM network.
                        (f) Datagram.


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