What are the difference between Primary and Secondary data?

    What are the difference between Primary and Secondary data?

There is the following difference between primary and secondary data:-
Primary Data
Secondary Data
(i)  Definition
The data which are obtained by direct observation from the population is called primary data.
The data which are already obtained by some other persons it’s called secondary data.
(ii) Originality
It is original. The primary data are collected from the original sources.
It is not original. Secondary data is collected from some organization. Example: Newspaper.
(iii) Reliable
Primary data is more reliable than secondary data.
Secondary data is less reliable than primary data.
(iv) Expenses
It involves large expenses in terms of time, energy and money.
It is relatively a less costly method.
(v) Dependency
Primary data is completely independent.
Secondary data is dependent on the primary data.

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