“Memo is an effective instrument of office communication” - Discuss.

A memorandum (memo for short) is a short piece of writing generally written by the officers of an organization for sharing information among them. The main purpose of writing memorandum is to keep record or convey information and decisions or to make short requests. To achieve its purpose a memo is usually written in an easy-to-understanding language. Plain and direct statements of facts are made to achieve its purpose.
A memo plays a very useful role in an organization. It also enables officers to maintain good business relationships. Another useful function of a memo is to establish accountability. Many organizations use printed memo forms. One can quickly write the message and transmit it to the concerned officer. Writing a memo rakes comparatively less time since it does not contain several details which a letter has. However, some examples of memos have been presented here to help the businesses to write memos correctly.
Memo Letter Example:
A memo letter informing the Office Manager about the purchase of office chairs.
Summit Steel Company Ltd.
l8, Karawn Bazar, Dhaka 1218
Interoffice Memo
Date: 15August, 2o14
To: Office Manager
From: Zahirul Islam, Purchase Officer
Reference: 216/BM
Subject: Purchase of Office Chairs

As desired, the order for the supply of 500 office chairs has been placed with Navana Furniture Mart, 16 Jatrabari, Dhaka 1204. The chairs will be supplied in two lots of 250 each on 26 and 30 August, 2014. 

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