Describe basic features of Intel 80286 microprocessor.
Basic Features:
The 80286 microprocessor is an advanced version of the 8086 microprocessor that
is designed for multi user and multitasking environments.
The 80286 addresses 16 M Byte of physical memory and 1G Bytes of virtual memory
by using its memory management system.
The 80286 is basically an 8086 that is optimized to execute instructions in
fewer clocking periods than the 8086.
Like the 80186, the 80286 doesn’t incorporate internal peripherals; instead it
contains a memory management unit (MMU).
The 80286 operates in both the real and protected modes.
In the real mode, the 80286 addresses a 1MByte memory address space and is
virtually identical to 8086.
In the protected mode, the 80286 addresses a 16MBer memory space The clock is
provided by the 82288 clock generator, and the system control signals are
provided by the 82288 system bus controller.
The 80286 contains the same instructions except for a handful of additional
instructions that control the memory management nit.
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