What are various status stages provided in 8085? Discuss their role.

            8085 microprocessor provides five status stages.
                                                        i.            The carry flag (cy)
                                                      ii.            The auxiliary carry flag (p)
                                                    iii.            The parity status flag (Ac)
                                                     iv.            The zero flag
                                                       v.            The sign status flag.
Role of above five status stages:-
*The carry Flag:- (Cy)
            Reflects the final carry out of the most significant bit of any arithmetic operation. Any logic instruction resets or cleans the carry flag. This flag is also used by the shift and rotate instructions. The 8085 does not have any “clear carry” instruction one way of clearing the carry will be by oring or awing the accumulator with itself.
*The Parity status flag:- (P)
            In set to 1 an arithmetic or logic instruction generates an answer with even parity, that is containing an even number of 1 bits. This flag is 0 if the arithmetic or logic instruction generates an answer with odd parity that is, containing an odd number of 1 s.

*The auxiliary carry flag:- (Ac)
                        Reflects any carry from bit 3 to bit 4 ( assuming 8- bit data with bit 0 as the least significant bit and bit 7 as the most significant bit) due to an arithmetic operation. This flag is useful for BCD operation.
*The zero flag:- (z)
                        Is set to 1 whenever an arithmetic or logic operation produces a result of 0. The zero flag is cleared to zero for a non-zero result due to arithmetic or logic operation.

*The sign status flag:- (S)

            Is set to the value of the most significant bit of the result in the accumulator after an arithmetic or logic operation. This provides a range of -12810 to + 12710 ( with or being considered positive) as the 8085’s data-handling capacity.

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