Explain the different uses of sociology in our life.

Uses of Sociology:
Famous Swedish Noble laureate Gunnar Myrdal (1970) long back said that the social sciences are important in a democracy because they encourage the open discussion of important issues by appealing to the people’s rationality rather than to superstition and narrowness. The sociologist can make this contribution. Sociology has its uses.
The main uses of sociology may be as listed below:
(i) It provides a basic understanding of human society, how social system work, how people’s behavior is modified by their circumstances.
(ii) It broadens the range of our perspective from which we try to understand the social world.
(iii) It gives us an insight into our daily life like a tourist guide.
(iv) It helps in removing ignorance about human relationships.
(v) The world we live in is in trouble. It besets with many dilemmas Sociology guides us in sorting out such dilemmas. The world is shrinking in many ways too-satellite TV, cell phone networks and Internet have created many an conditions and problems. Contact between culturally different groups has increased enormously in the present time. Sociology helps in studying cultures of different societies in various circumstances.
(vi) It provides us an orientation to the use of research techniques applicable in a wide variety of contexts.
(vii) It helps us understand ourselves and our positions in society. It is a source of self-enlightenment and increases self-understanding.
(viii) It is a useful preparation for our careers.
(ix) It helps us in developing awareness of cultural differences. We adopt the views transmitted to us by our culture, but these views are often limited and superficial and do not constitute any understanding. Quite often, if we properly understand how others live, we also require a better understanding of what their problems are.

(x) There is educational value of sociology. It learns us how other people manage their societies and solve their problems. It may lead us to healthy skepticism, a tendency to ask intelligent questions about our aim. It has been sad that the hallmark of a university trained mind is intelligent and unprejudiced skepticism. 

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