Discuss the industrial and post industrial stages of human civilization.

Industrial civilization: Industrial civilization refers to the state of civilization following the Industrial Revolution, characterized by widespread use of powered machines. The transition of an individual region from pre-industrial society into an industrial society is referred to as the process of industrialization, which may occur in different regions of the world at different times. Individual regions may specialize further as the civilization continues to advance, resulting in some regions transitioning to a service economy, or information society, or post-industrial society (these are still dependent on industry, but allow individuals to move out of manufacturing jobs). The present era is sometimes referred to as the information Age. De-industrialization of a region may occur for a range of reasons.
Industrial civilization has allowed a significant growth both in world population, thanks to mechanized agriculture and advances in modern medicine and in the standard of living.
Such a civilization is mostly dependent on fossil fuel, with efforts underway to find alternatives for energy production. Some areas have exhibited de- industrialization as certain industries go into decline (4) or are superseded.
Contrast with industrial society: Industrial civilization refers to the broader state of civilization, which spans multiple societies; industrial society just to specific segments (within the civilization) dependant on manufacturing jobs, whilst industrial civilisation as a whole involves many regions interdependent (via international trade) specialized in different ways, including information society and service economy. Note that these Societies are still dependant on industrial civilization for their goods and food imports coming from mechanised agriculture.
Contrast with industrial revolution: The industrial revolution the historical event that ushered in ihdustrial civilization. The modern world has evolved further following development in mass production and information technology (allowing service economy, and information society).
Contrast with industrialization: Industrialization is the process of any individual area being transformed industrial civilization as a whole may have regions that still benefit from industrial societies, without being industrialized themselves, or having specialized in other ways (e.g. service economies)
Post-industrial society: In sociology, the post-industrial soc1ety is the stage of society's development when the service sector generates more wealth than the manufacturing sector of the economy.
The term was originate by Alain Touraine and is closely related to similar sociological theoretical constructs such as post-hordes, information. Society, knowledge economy, postindustrial economy, liquid modernity, and network Society. They all can be used in economics or social science disciplines as a general theoretical backdrop in research design.

Valuation of knowledge: The post-industrialized society is marked by an increased valuation of' knowledge. This itself is unsurprising, having been foreshadowed in Daniel Bell's presumption as to how economic employment patterns will evolve in such societies.
Creativity culture: Similarly, post-industrial society has serviced the creative culture. Many of those most well-equipped to thrive in an increasingly technological society are young adults with tertiary education. As education itself becomes-more and more oriented towards producing people capable of answering the need for self-actualization, creativity, and self-expression, successive generations become more endowed with the ability to contribute to and perpetuate such industries.

Critics: Post-industrialism is criticized for the amount of real fundamental change it produces in society, if any at all. A mild view held by Alan Banks and Jim Foster contends that representations of post-industrial society by advocates assume professional, educated elites were previously less relevant than they have become 1n the new social order, and that changes that have occurred are minor but greatly embellished. 

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