Discuss the impacts of technological change on social life.

Social Changes:
The role of technology on social change can be examined in the following ways:
(i) Technological change sometimes socially uproots the population and people drift about in search of new centers of employment. Sometimes, this drafting may result in a new geographical distribution of population.
(ii) Technology directly changes the pattern of the social life. Technological advancement tends to remove social differences, the differences between sexes and between parents and children.
(iii) Technology flows to less developed countries mainly through MNCs with vast resources at their common. MNCs have carved places and images for themselves distinct from local companies. People who are associated with the MNCs are better paid than the people working with the local companies. These people behave like a class apart by themselves.

(iv) In the last, our day to day life is affected by the technology. Even the language we use is changing. New terms continue to emerge. It is correctly said that words are the budges of social change when our language changes, behavior will not be far behind. 

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