Discuss how to conduct a social research.
science is the study of human society. It includes a group of diverse academic
disciplines including history, sociology, political science, anthropology, law,
geography, economics and education. Although these fields focus on different
aspects of human society, they follow the same genera methods for conducting
research. Pick a topic to research. Narrow the topic down as much as you can.
Develop one question, a hypothesis, to answer about this topic. For example,
you might want to study elections in the United States. You could narrow this
down to congressional elections and ask the following question: What factors do
voters consider when voting for their representatives?
a research design outlining the specific steps you’ll take to answer your
research question. Determine whether to do a qualitative, quantitative or mixed
methods study. The qualitative method uses the researcher's personal
observations of the data to draw inferences, while the quantitative approach
uses statistical analyses of the data. Mixed methods design is the
incorporation of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. For example,
when studying voter behavior, you may wish to conduct in-depth interviews of a
small group of voters in addition to randomly surging a larger group of voters.
Describe previous research relating to your hypothesis by providing an
literature review of these investigations.
data carefully following your research design. Gather this data yourself or use
public data gleaned from reliable sources, such as academic journals, books,
online library databases or government reports.
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