Write a program to find the maximum and minimum number using divide and conquer methods.

Name of the experiment:  Write a program to find the maximum and minimum number using divide and conquer methods.

   1       Algorithm MaxMin(I,j,max,min)
   2       {
   3       if( i=j) then max:= min:=a[i];
   4       else if (i= j-1) then
   5                 {
   6                           if ( a[i] < a[j] then
   7                           {
   8                                    max:=a[j]; min:= a[i];
   9                           }
  10                        else
  11                        {
  12                                  max:= a[i]; min:= a[j];
  13                        }
  14               }
  15               else
  16               {

  18                        MaxMin(I, mid, max, min);
  19                        MaxMin(mid+1, j, max1, min1);
  20                        if (max<max1) then max:= ma1;
  21                        if (min> min1) then min:= min1;
  22               }
  23     }

Source  Code:
int max, min;
int a[100];
void maxmin(int i, int j)
 int max1, min1, mid;
  max = min = a[i];
  if(i == j-1)
   if(a[i] <a[j])
    max = a[j];
    min = a[i];
    max = a[i];
    min = a[j];
   mid = (i+j)/2;
   maxmin(i, mid);
   max1 = max; min1 = min;
   maxmin(mid+1, j);
   if(max <max1)
    max = max1;
   if(min > min1)
    min = min1;
int main ()
 int i, num;
 printf ("\nEnter the total number of numbers : ");
 scanf ("%d",&num);
 printf ("Enter the numbers : \n");
 for (i=1;i<=num;i++)
  scanf ("%d",&a[i]);

 max = a[0];
 min = a[0];
 maxmin(1, num);
 printf ("Minimum element in an array : %d\n", min);
 printf ("Maximum element in an array : %d\n", max);
 return 0;

Sample Input and Output:
Enter the total number of numbers : 5
Enter the numbers :
Minimum element in an array : 20
Maximum element in an array : 64

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