Algorithm Design Practical Question 2017.

B.Sc(Hons.) in CSE, Part-2,4th Semester Examination-2017
National University
CSE-222 (Algorithm Design Practical)

 Time: 3 hours                                                                                                               Full marks -60
(Answer any two of the following question.)
1.       Write a program to find the maximum and minimum number using divide and conquer methods.
2.       Write a program to search an element using recursive binary search algorithm.
3.       Write a program to measure the performance using time function between bubble sort and merge sort algorithm.
4.       Write a program to measure the performance using time function between bubble sort and quick sort algorithm.
5.       Write a program to solve the fractional knapsack problem.
6.       Write a program to find the minimum cost spanning tree using prim’s algorithm.
7.       Write a program to find the single source shortest path.
8.       Write a program to solve the 0/1 Knapsack problem using Greedy method.
9.       Using Backtracking algorithm implement N-queen problem.
10.   Write a program to Coloring a Graph.

Marks Distribution
a.       1. Algorithm       :10
b.      2. Coding             :20
c.       3. Result               :10
d.      4 Viva                    :20

Total                                      :60

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