Distinguish between positive and normative economics.

Positive economics
Normative economics
(i) A branch of economics based on data and facts is positive economics.
(i) A branch of economics based on values, opinions and judgments is normative economics.
(ii) It analyses and explains the casual relationship between variables.
(ii) It incorporates subjective analyses and focuses on theoretical situations.
(iii) Positive economics is objective and fact based.
(iii) Normative economics is subjective and value based.
(iv) Positive economic statements do not have to be correct, but they must be able to be tested and proved or disproved.
(iv) Normative economic statements are opinion based, so they cannot be proved.
(v) According to professor Robbins Economics is a positive science.
(v) According to professor Marshall Economics is a normative science.
(vi) Statements can be tested using scientific methods.
(vi) Statement cannot be tested.
(vii) It clearly describes economic issue.
(vii) It providers solution for the economic issue, based on value.
(viii) “ Americans bought five million CDs last Year” is a positive statement- a simple declaration of fact.
(viii) “We should reduce taxes” is an example of a normative statement.

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