Consider the employee database Emp consisting of the following tables where the primary keys are underlined:

Problem Definition:
            Consider the employee database Emp consisting of the following tables where the primary keys are underlined:
            employee (employee_name, street, city)
            works (employee_name, company_name, salary)
            company (company_name, city)
            manages (employee_name, manager’s_name)

Write down the SQL expression for the following queries:
a)      Find the names, cities and salaries of all employees who work for Prime Bank Ltd.
b)      Find the total salaries of each company.
c)      Add a record in the database using a form.
d)     Display your result of query (a) on a report.

   Software Development Tools:
1.      XAMPP (Apache server & MySQL)
2.      PHP
3.      HTML & CSS
4.      Text Editor: Notepad++ / Sublime Text3
5.      Browser: Mozilla Firefox/ Google Chrome etc.

Database Design View
Figure 01: Employee Database Design View

*      User Interfaces:

Figure 02: Employee Form

Figure 03: Employee Report

Figure 04: Company Form
Figure 05: Company Report

Figure 06: Works Form
Figure 07: Works Report

Figure 08: Manager Form
Figure 09: Manager Report
    SQL statements of the queries:

1.      SELECT `employee`.`employee_name`, `employee`.`city`, `works`.`salary` FROM `employee` LEFT JOIN `works` ON `works`.`employee_name` = `employee`.`employee_name` WHERE `employee`.`employee_name` = `works`.`employee_name` AND `works`.`company_name`='Prime Bank Ltd';

 Result of the Queries:
  Result of the Query (a)

Figure 10: Result of the Query (a) and Query (d)

    SQL statements of the queries:

2.      SELECT company_name, SUM(salary) AS total_salary FROM works GROUP BY company_name

 Result of the Queries:
  Result of the Query (a)

Figure 11: Result of the Query 02

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