What is courtesy? How can you maintain courtesy in business communication?

Courtesy means behavior marked by polished manners or respect for others.
Communicating in a business environment means communicating with individuals; In both written and oral communication, it is possible to be courteous while being direct and business-oriented.
Courtesy in business communication
Email Communication: Email is used for fast and efficient business communications; And using a salutation or the receiver’s name is one way to infuse courtesy into those quick emails. Remember to always use proper English as well as complete sentences in your business emails. Avoid emoticons, acronyms and chat jargon unless you know the person well. Follow these guidelines to show your recipients that you respect them enough to ensure all correspondence is complete and courteous.
Oral Communication: Although we most often think of important business communication happening in writing, it is still important to remember courtesy in your business conversations and meetings. When you ask someone to complete a task, include a “please” and a “thank you.” Even if someone is a subordinate, these general courtesies are important. They do nothing to diminish your authority and in fact may garner you more respect.
Other Written Communication: Other forms of communication include organization charts, memorandums, and newsletters. Most of these styles are distinct to an organization or company. One simple act of courtesy is to make certain that you spell names correctly. Names are an important part of people’s identity, so investing the time to get it right translates into respect and courtesy.
Customer Communication: If your business communication includes customers, then courtesy is extremely important. In most situations customers have choices as to where to spend their money and time. Creating courteous and respectful communication increases your chances of retaining current customers as well as gaining new ones. Also, remember that being concise and getting to the point quickly is a good way to respect your customer’s time.

General Courtesy: Saying “good morning” or “goodbye” or a quick “Have a nice day” takes virtually no time and very little effort. So, for a small investment on your part, you can increase the camaraderie at work and reduce stress for everyone. 

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