Discuss relative merits and importance of horizontal and vertical channel of communication.

Horizontal communication is essential for smooth functioning of organizational activities and for interdepartmental coordination. This type of communication is especially important for larger scale enterprise. The followings are the main benefits that can be derived from horizontal communication.
Importance of horizontal communication
(i) Co-ordination of activities: Organizational activities are grouped into various functional departments. All these departments must work in a coordinated way to achieve organizational goal. Horizontal communication permits the managers of various departments to harmonize and coordinate interdepartmental activities for easy attainment of organizational goal.
(ii) Decreasing misunderstanding: Large and complex organizations employ both line and staff personnel for smooth functioning of organizational activities. But in practical situation conflicts and misunderstandings arise between the line and staff personnel. Effective horizontal communication helps to solve or mitigate conflicts and misunderstandings among them.
(iii) Quick solution of problems: Horizontal communication allows quick transmission of message in a warmly communication. So it becomes easy to mitigate or solve complex problems in the organization.
(iv) Increasing the efficiency of ineff1cient peers: Managers holding the similar positions may not be equally competent in all respects. Some of them may lack required efficiency, ability, and intelligence in some areas. In such a situation, if them managers share their ideas, opinions and attitudes among them, the inefficient managers can improve their deficiencies and can contribute a lot in achieving organizational goals.
(v) Developing informal relationships: Horizontal communication promotes informal relationships among the parties involved in communication. Informal relationship is created as it provides the Opportunity of free, fair and friendly exchange of information. As a result, healthy and congenial working atmosphere prevails in the organization.
(vi) Guarding against distortion of message: Since horizontal communication takes place between the managers at the same level, information peaches directly from sender to receiver. This direct communication reduces distortion of information.
(vii) Enhancing mutual understanding: Horizontal communication permits mangers to exchange information between them without any hesitation or confusion. Through this channel of communication managers can discuss any matter at their convenient time and can easily reach to a mutually agreed decision.
In conclusion we can say that like other types of communication, horizontal communication is essential in performing organizational activities effectively and efficiently.
Advantages of horizontal communication
(i) Informal and sweet relationship: This is same status level’s communication system. They exchange ideas, knowledge and thoughts. So, an informal and sweet relationship can be maintained.
(ii) Co-ordination of activities: For the achievements of the expected result of an organization inter departmental co-ordination system must be developed which is a criteria of horizontal communication.
(iii) Departmental communication: Horizontal communication is the best system of communication in departmental communication.
(iv) End of misunderstanding: There is no chance of misunderstanding in horizontal communication among employees. So, it is helpful to management for enhancing mutual understanding and good decision making.
(v) Hindering bureaucracy: No change of a rise bureaucracy in Horizontal communication running organization which is helpful to make a good relationship among themselves.
(vi) Dynamism at work: If horizontal communication is established in organizational dynamism at work will increase among workers.
(vii) Group activities: IN this system of communication a department is well known to other department and can exchange their affection. So, group activities and direction of the sound work program will be easier.
(viii) Quick communication and solution of problems: Horizontal communication allows quick transmission of messages and solves complex problems in the organization.
(ix) Linking with different areas of expertise: science same level of employees exchange information in this communication, they create good link with different areas of expertise.
(x) Guarding against distortion message: Horizontal communication takes place among the employees of the same level, information reaches directly from one employee or executive to another which acts as a guard against distortion messages.

Vertical communication
Vertical communication is the communication where information or messages flows between or among the subordinates and superiors of the organizational. Some important definitions of downward communications are given below:
According to Stoner and his associates, “Vertical communication consists of communication up and down the organization’s chain of command."
According to Bovee and his associates, “Vertical communication is a flow of information up and down the organization’s hierarchy."
Advantages of vertical communication
Without communicating with superior and subordinate, no organization runs a single day. Communication without upper level and the lower level employee is very much essential for organization. Some advantages of vertical communication system are as follows:
(i) Conveying message of subordinate: Through upward direction of vertical communication system, the upper level management covey their suggestions, complains and recommendations to the subordinates.
(ii) Maintains good labor-management relations: There is systematic flow of information under his communication system, so a good relation can be developed between superior and subordinates.
(iii) Maintains organizational discipline: There is a chain of command in vertical communication system. So, a sense of discipline may be developed among the employees.
(iv) Explaining policies and plan: Through vertical communication system, upper level management can send the policies and procedures to the subordinates.
(v) Effective decision making: Superiors needed various information to take decision making in the organization. With the help of vertical communications, superiors collect information form subordinate.
(vi) Help in decentralizations: Duties and responsibilities can be delegated among departments thorough vertical communication.
(vii) Amid by-passing: Under this communication system superior and subordinates exchange message directly. So there is no chance to by-passing.
(viii) Maintains chain of command: Proper chain of commands is easily maintains through vertical communication system.
(ix) Assigning jobs and evaluating performance: Vertical communication facilitates job assignment and job evaluation of the employees.

(x) Increase efficiency: Necessary instructions are sent to subordinates and they perform their duties and responsibilities accordingly that is help to increase efficiency both superior and subordinate. 

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